In this political cartoon, George Clooney, depicted as a frustrated movie director, is on a set of Fake Movie Productions. He’s holding a megaphone and exclaims, “Come on, Joe! I really need to break into movies——I’m sick of TV!” Joe Biden, dressed in a tattered superhero costume on a cut of “Savior of Democracy,” struggles with a large fake prop labeled “Inflation.” From the Movie A Christmas Story. Biden responds, “This is harder than it looks!” To Mr. George Clooney. Mocking Clooney’s political involvement and Biden’s presidency…And Clooney’s ambitions to make it into Hollywood. He will always be typecast as a Soap Opera Doctor and he can’t accept that. He says Joe Biden is a savior of Democracy. That is the movie he wants to produce. I made Joe Biden have a superhero cape on in tatters. He is not a savior of democracy. In fact, he hates it.




By Maria