Political Cartoons

Attorney General Merrick Garland Political Cartoon

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Merrick Garland AG Political Cartoon

In the shadowed labyrinth of justice, where the cruel echo of tyranny reverberates, stands Merrick Garland, the somber Custodian of Dissent. With a visage etched in cold authority, Garland orchestrates a grotesque theatre of repression. In this desolate, iron-fisted sanctum, he revels in his role as the architect of the Iron Hold, a realm where the cries of the silenced are but faint whispers against the unyielding walls of his malevolence. Here, dissent is not merely quelled but consigned to a nightmarish purgatory of endless suffering and torment. Many torture devices in this dungeon to stop speech. As the solitary sentinel of this so-called ‘democracy,’ Attorney General Merrick Garland, with a disdainful smirk, proclaims his duty to extinguish any who dare challenge the sacrosanct 2024 verdict. His dungeon, a monument to the perversion of justice, is prepared to embrace those who dare defy the shadow of his absolute decree. Thus, the spirit of freedom languishes, ensnared in the iron chains of autocratic despair.

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